Sunday, July 06, 2008

Nations Capital part 3

Ah, the Fourth of July: the day when all your nationalistic sensibilities can finally come out in the form of attire, cuisine and body art. While being in the Nation’s Capital, one would assume that the festivities here are like no other town. This may be true. However, I decided to spend my Nation’s Birthday in the form of cheap beer, dance parties in kiddy pools and bad Mexican food. Here’s your plus/minus/equals for week 3.


+ Last Sunday, I saw King Khan and His Shrines at Rock N Roll Hotel. I haven’t been to such a fun show is so long. Super dancey and Ian Svenonius showed up!

+ Partying with new friends in the form of Spam, dance music and kiddie pools. Photos to come.

+ Schlitz

+ Ben’s Chili Bowl. So this may seem like a “duh” but it really is a great place. First and foremost though are the signs in the place. One reads:

“Our chili will make a hot dog bark. Black owned and operated since 1958”

A second sign reads:

“People who eat for free at Ben’s: Bill Cosby. No One Else.”


+ Florida Street Grill. This southern greasy spoon has great service and a total local, family owned feel. Watch how much you go here though. You could be asking for a heart attack.

+ Rosemary’s Thyme. This is a breakfast/lunch place that is decently priced and with a Mediterranean spin. Service was shitty though and the crowd was a bit yuppie-ish. Still worth it.

+ Seeing the documentary “My Winnipeg”. (This really has nothing to do with D.C. but I still suggest it.)

+ Café Mozart. This is a German café/convenience store next to the building I work in. The convenience store is okay. You can get German chocolate and bratwurst to go. However, in the back is a bar/restaurant that has some awesome beer. In addition, you can order a beer in a stein. That’s a liter of beer for you. Perfect after 9 hours of work. Oh and don't be surprised if some lady bust out the accordion and sings in German. (Caution: finding your way home after a couple steins may be difficult.)


-Quotes heard this week that totally bummed me out:

“Let me tell you something about REAGAN mister!”

“Dude. I totally hooked up with my intern! (*enthusiastic high-five*)

“I can’t make out with bad hair.”

- Keg Bus (I nearly cried)


- DC9 on gay night. This is unusual because gay nights seem to be usually bumping and good for dancing regardless of your sexual preference. However, this just included a lot of douchebags that do not normally frequent DC9 and sweat. Lots o’ sweat.


= AFI Silver Spring Theater- this theater likes to tout how great it is in the previews. Heads up: Your Theater sucks like your town. However, the plus side is that they show really great films and Milos Foreman is coming to talk there in celebration of a retrospective they are doing with him.

= Phillips Gallery- the permanent collection is small, mediocre and rather arbitrary. In addition, it cost way too much to enter. That being said, the retrospective on Jacob Lawrence was enjoyable.


Nora Dillon said...

Saxon! That photo is scandalous! My word.

Courtney said...

dude, shoulda gone upstairs at dc9. =)

Anonymous said...

I love that photo... Does the German waitress take requests? Do you remember Mein Hut der hat drei Echen? German roots,too,don't forget.