Thursday, July 31, 2008


Okay everyone! Please take note! My new, more dedicated blog is "Spill."

You can find it at

Whats it about?
Mostly it will be focused cultural criticisms/observations. I'm trying to stand at the intersection of art, politics and society. It's pretty broad but its what I am into. In addition, it should help me with my journalism and a place where people can go to and see what I am into. While I might get personal on it at times, it will always relate back to some running theme. Thus, if I am selling a couch or moving, you probably won't hear about on this blog.

Also, I am planning to post everyday. So put me in your reader if you like what I write. Finally, while not planned out entirely yet, I plan on having some structure to the post. For instance, I have decided that every friday I will write something that is music related. Help you, myself and others hit the weekend off right while maybe adding something interesting or mildly stimulating.
I might have a wednesday theme too. We'll see.

What will happen to This was European?
Good question. I dont know. I think I might make this my personal blog and make it private or password protected. That way it will sort of act like a journal. However, I would distribute that password to friends and family who live afar and are interested in what the heck is going on in my life. However, I might not do this either.

What will happen to the blog posts on here that are already in the vein of cultural criticisms?
I think I might for the first couple months put up a "archived" blog post on the weekends on Spill. This archived post will be from This Was European. There is some stuff on here that I would like to transfer over. I think this will be the best way.

Final Comments?
A couple actually. One, the photo in the title will probably change. I know all my friends will make fun of me for it but blogs are somewhat narcissistic anyways and I don't care what you say, the photo is cool. If you didn't know that it was me, you might actually like it.

Secondly, please please please link to my page. Once again, not trying to be narcissistic but if you do this then you actually help me garner traffic which is important in the industry I am attempting to dive into. So yeah, put me in your blog roll and if I write something that you find interesting then please feel free to post it on your own blog but make sure to put link to where you got it.

Thanks guys, I hope you read my stuff and that I provide your life with two minutes of something interesting everyday. If not, tell me. I welcome criticism.

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